Conversations with Taylor Richardson

We were very impressed with Taylor’s background and accomplishments and had a chance to chat with Taylor to learn more about her background and inspirations. In addition to her inspiring background, she wrote the foreword to New York Times writer Fred T Joseph’s book, Better Than We Found It: Conversations to Help Change the World!

See below excerpts from the discussion. All emphasis ours.

1. Hello Taylor, I’m pleased to meet you; can you tell us more about yourself?

Taylor: Hi! I am Taylor Richardson. I am currently a freshman at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. Most know me in the STEM world as “Astronaut Starbright” where I advocate for girls in STEM. I am an advocate, speaker, actionist, social entrepreneur, writer, board member, philanthropist, and future astronaut or doctor

2. How did your love for STEM originate?

Taylor: My love for STEM, specifically space, originated when I was 5, looking up at the stars and wondering what was beyond my world. Once in elementary school, I read my idol Dr. Mae Jemison’s Find Where The Wind Goes, but heading off to SpaceCamp was when I realized I really wanted to see what was beyond Earth and how other planets could make our world better than we found it!

Dr. Jemison’s book changed how I thought about myself and my future. Here was a woman who looked like me and was also a scientist, physician, and astronaut. This book and my experience at Space Camp solidified my interest in wanting to pursue a STEM career. Space Camp introduced me to all the different roles required to live and work in space.

3. We understand that you have raised money for young girls and students to go see the movies Hidden Figures and A Wrinkle in Time. What is your reason for doing this, and how much have you raised so far?

Taylor: Simply to inspire and educate. My goal was to show youth, specifically girls of color, that representation matters. These films provided inspiration and education for girls to not only dream but do big. If you can see it, you can be it!

The movie screenings and literacy initiatives allowed me to meet and receive donations from Oprah Winfrey, Arlan Hamilton, JJ Abrams, Chris Pine, and Monique Mosley, to name a few. It also gave me the opportunity to work closely with GoFundMe to spread the message of paying it forward across the world.

Between my literacy, social activism, movie screenings, and girls’ and girls’ STEM camps, I have raised over $350,000 and donated over 20,000 books to libraries nationally and internationally.

4. Is it true that your dream is to become an astronaut, and if yes, how do you plan to achieve this?

Taylor: Yes, my dream is to still know what’s among the stars. SpaceCamp may have taught me to reach for the stars, but my life experiences so far have made me realize that there are problems down here on Earth that need solving first, which is why I want to be an OBGYN and aid in creating safe spaces for women, especially black and brown women. I plan to do that by going to college, getting good grades, doing internships, volunteering, and, of course, getting into a good medical school.

5. What inspires you and keeps you motivated daily?

Taylor: Charity inspires me. There are a lot of people in our world who need help, and there are a lot of people out there doing their best to give it to them. Every time I see someone working hard to create change, reach out to the less privileged, and make life better for people, I am inspired and honored to be part of the things that I can be.

6. Who do you look up to / who inspires you?

Taylor: There are many people who inspire and inspire me, including my friends, family, teachers, and mentors, but my mom is by far the person who inspires and inspires me the most.

7. If you could change two things in the world with a magic wand, what would they be?

Taylor: Eliminating discrimination and ensuring equity so that everyone has access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and health care, to name a few.

8. What would you advise young girls your age who are still struggling to find their voice and path?

Taylor: Be kind to yourself no matter what. Even if you don’t feel particularly powerful, think about how far you’ve come, how you’ve survived. You’re here, right now, alive and powerful beyond your knowledge. And be patient with yourself. Self-love may not happen overnight. But with time, it will settle itself into your heart. Yes, you may struggle, but you’ll look back on those moments and see how they were stepping stones on your journey to being the best version of yourself.

9. What are your hobbies?

Taylor:  Volunteering, exercising, reading, listening to music, meditation, drawing

10. For people who’d love to connect with you, where can they find you?

Taylor: You can find me on all social media under astronaut Starbright or email at [email protected]